Second Chorus Movie streaming free

Trumpet Rivalry: Battle for Ellen's Heart.

Comedy,Music,Romance  United States of America 

Danny O'Neill and Hank Taylor are two trumpeters in the Perennials, a college band. Despite failing their exams for seven years in a row, they have managed to stay in college thanks to their musical talents. One night, during a performance, Danny spots a beautiful young woman named Ellen Miller in the audience. After the show, he follows her to her apartment and convinces her to become the band's manager.

Danny and Hank are both attracted to Ellen and begin competing for her affections. Meanwhile, they are also trying to outdo each other musically and get the other one fired from the band. Their rivalry only intensifies as they both begin to fall more deeply in love with Ellen.

As they tour the country with the Perennials, Danny and Hank engage in a series of increasingly elaborate schemes to outdo each other and improve their prospects with Ellen. Along the way, they meet a wealthy, eccentric composer named Artie Shaw who offers them the chance to join his band. However, their obsession with Ellen threatens their opportunity to make it in the music business.

In the end, Danny and Hank both come to realize that their rivalry has only held them back and that they need to work together if they want to succeed. They reconcile and join forces to win over Ellen and land the gig with Artie Shaw. The film ends with the band performing a triumphant final concert as Danny and Hank play off each other in perfect harmony.


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