Seaspiracy is a documentary that exposes the dark side of the fishing industry and its impact on marine life. The film is directed by Ali Tabrizi, a filmmaker and environmental activist who decided to embark on a journey to find out the truth about what is happening to our oceans.

Tabrizi starts by investigating the issue of plastic pollution, but quickly realizes that the larger problem is overfishing. He travels to different parts of the world, meeting with fishermen, scientists, and activists to uncover the devastating effects of commercial fishing on marine life.

Through interviews and undercover footage, Seaspiracy reveals the truth about the fishing industry, including the mass killing of dolphins, whales, and sharks as bycatch, the use of slave labor on fishing vessels, and the unsustainable practices that are driving certain species to the brink of extinction.

As Tabrizi delves deeper into the issue, he discovers a hidden network of corruption and fraud that extends from the fishing industry to government agencies and environmental organizations. He exposes the vested interests that are preventing meaningful change and calls for a complete overhaul of our relationship with the oceans.

Seaspiracy is a powerful and eye-opening documentary that challenges viewers to reconsider their consumption habits and take action to protect our planet's most precious resource.

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