
Drama  United Kingdom 

Seamonsters is a British coming-of-age drama that revolves around two teenage best friends named Miles and Flitch. Growing up in a desolate British seaside town, the boys spend their time skateboarding, partying, and dreaming of leaving their humdrum lives behind.

Their world is turned upside down when a mysterious new girl named Grace moves to town and attracts the attention of both Miles and Flitch. As the trio spends more time together, tensions rise and secrets are revealed, causing the boys' friendship to unravel.

Miles, struggling with his feelings for Grace and his loyalty to Flitch, becomes increasingly reckless and distant, while Flitch spirals into a self-destructive cycle of drugs and alcohol. As the summer comes to an end and the three teenagers face the harsh reality of their lives, they must find a way to navigate their complicated relationships and discover who they truly are.

Seamonsters is a raw and honest portrayal of teenage life, with stunning performances from the young cast and an atmospheric seaside setting that adds to the film's emotional impact. The movie explores themes of friendship, identity, sexuality, and the pain of growing up in an often cruel world.

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