SeaFood is a 2011 animated film directed by Aun Hoe Goh and written by Jeffrey Chiang and Yusry Abdul Halim. The movie follows the adventures of Pup, a bamboo shark who discovers that human poachers are stealing the eggs from his reef. Pup makes it his mission to save his family by venturing into the human world to retrieve the stolen eggs. Along the way, he befriends some unlikely allies, including a clumsy fish and a bold young girl named Yu, who helps him navigate the unfamiliar terrain.

As Pup and his friends journey through the human world, they encounter several challenges, including getting captured by ruthless fishermen and being chased by a hungry bird. Despite these obstacles, Pup remains determined to save his family and returns to the sea with the stolen eggs safely in his grasp.

The movie is filled with vibrant colors, stunning visuals, and a memorable soundtrack. It teaches important lessons about the value of family, friendship, and the dangers of human interference with nature. Overall, SeaFood is an entertaining and heartwarming adventure that is perfect for all ages.

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