Scum of the Earth! is a film that was released in 1963 and directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis. The movie tells the story of Kim Sherwood, a young and innocent teenager who travels to Southern California to visit her sister and her brother-in-law. However, things quickly take a dark turn when Kim is blackmailed into posing for nude photos by a sleazy photographer named Harmon Johnson.

Harmon is in cahoots with a teenage gang known as "The Scum of the Earth", who are led by a violent and sadistic young man named Alex. Alex and his gang are in the business of selling photographs of young girls being sexually exploited and abused. After Kim's photos are taken, she is horrified to learn that they have been sold to Alex's gang for their perverse purposes.

Kim attempts to put a stop to the gang's activities by going to the police, but they are unable to do anything without hard evidence. Eventually, Kim joins forces with a group of fellow victims of the gang's exploitation, and they come up with a plan to take down Alex and his criminal enterprise.

Scum of the Earth! is known for its controversial subject matter and graphic scenes depicting sexual exploitation and degradation. The film has been criticized for its sensationalized portrayal of teenage gang culture and its exploitative treatment of young actresses. Despite its controversial reputation, Scum of the Earth! has become a cult classic among fans of exploitation cinema.

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