Scream for Help is a suspenseful psychological thriller released in 1984. Directed by Michael Winner and written by Tom Holland, the film revolves around Christie Cromwell (played by Rachael Kelly), a teenage girl who becomes convinced that her stepfather, Paul Fox (played by David Allen Brooks), is plotting to kill her and her mother, Laura (played by Marie Masters).

Christie is an intelligent and resourceful girl, but her mother is in an emotionally unstable state. Laura is prone to mood swings and spends most of her time holed up in her room, taking pills and drinking. When Christie notices her stepfather's suspicious behavior, she can't convince her mother, who is enamored with Paul and thinks her daughter is imagining things. Paul appears charming and doting on the surface, but he is ruthless and manipulative.

As the threats against her and her mother escalate, Christie begins to investigate on her own, with the help of her friend Jennifer (played by Lolita Lorre). Christie sneaks around the house, tries to gather evidence, and even enlists the help of a detective (played by David McCallum). But no matter what she does, she can't get anyone to take her seriously, not even the police.

Paul is always one step ahead of Christie and manages to convince others that she is unstable and prone to hallucinations. Christie's sanity comes under scrutiny, and she is sent to a psychiatric hospital. However, the twist at the end of the movie reveals that Christie's fears were not unfounded and that Paul was indeed trying to kill her and her mother.

Scream for Help is a gripping thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The performances of the cast are exceptional, particularly that of Rachael Kelly, who gives a strong and convincing portrayal of a determined and resourceful teenager fighting for survival. The movie is a bit dated in its dialogue and style, but its suspensefulness and plot twists are still effective and make the movie a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers.

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