Scram! Movie streaming free

Mansion Mayhem: A Vagabond Adventure

Comedy  United States of America 

In the movie Scram!, Stanley and Oliver are two vagrants who are ordered out of town by the angry Judge Beaumont. They meet a friendly drunk who invites them to stay at his luxurious mansion. The drunk, who introduces himself as Lord Paddington, tells them that he has to attend to some business and leaves for the night.

However, when they arrive at the mansion, they realize that none of them has a key to the house. They try to find a way to get in but are unsuccessful. Eventually, with some help from a ladder and a loose shutter, they manage to climb up to a window and get inside.

Once they are inside, they find themselves in a lavish living room with expensive furniture and decorations. They are awed by the grandeur of the mansion and decide to explore the rest of the house.

As they make their way through the mansion, they encounter a scared woman who screams and faints as soon as she sees them. They realize she is the owner of the mansion, Mrs. von Schwarzenhoffen, and that they have accidentally broken into her home.

To make matters worse, a burglar also invades the mansion, and Stanley and Oliver find themselves at the center of a comedy of errors. They try to hide from the burglar while also trying to avoid being caught by Mrs. von Schwarzenhoffen. In the end, chaos ensues, and the house ends up in shambles.

The movie Scram! is a classic Laurel and Hardy comedy that features their signature physical comedy and slapstick humor. It is a hilarious romp that will have viewers laughing out loud from start to finish.


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