on the plot and characters.

The movie Schoolgirls in Chains revolves around the gruesome and terrifying actions of two brothers, Pete and Jerry, who are both mentally unstable and repressed due to their overbearing and abusive mother. The brothers have a disturbing fascination with young, attractive girls and regularly kidnap them off the streets, taking them back to their isolated farmhouse and keeping them captive in a basement dungeon.

Once the girls are chained up in the dungeon, Pete and Jerry subject them to a series of brutal and sadistic "games" that are designed to break their spirit and ultimately lead to their demise. These games often involve physical and psychological torture, including beatings, Russian roulette, and forcing the girls to eat raw meat.

As the movie progresses, one of the latest girls to be kidnapped, Carol, finds herself determined to escape from the brothers' clutches and put an end to their reign of terror once and for all. With the help of a local deputy, Carol fights to stay alive and free herself from the chains that bind her.

The movie also features a number of other characters, including the brothers' mother, who is revealed to be the true mastermind behind their horrific actions. There is also a reporter who is investigating the missing girls and becomes involved in the case, and a psychologist who tries to understand the brothers' motivations for their heinous crimes.

Overall, Schoolgirls in Chains is a disturbing and graphic horror movie that delves into the darkest depths of human depravity. It is not recommended for those who are easily disturbed or offended.

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