Scheme Birds is a documentary film that explores the life of Gemma, a young woman living in Motherwell, a declining steel town in Scotland. The documentary follows Gemma's life as a troubled teenager, constantly getting into trouble with the law, and as a young mother trying to provide for her daughter. Gemma's story is intertwined with the town's history of poverty, crime, and social disorder, as well as its sense of community, resilience, and hope.

The documentary is directed by Ellen Fiske and Ellinor Hallin and produced by Ruth Reid. It premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2019, where it won the Best Documentary Feature award, and went on to screen at various film festivals around the world.

Scheme Birds portrays Gemma as a strong and complex character, who is both a product of her environment and a force of her own. Gemma's childhood was marked by neglect, trauma, and violence, but also by a sense of freedom, creativity, and loyalty. Gemma finds solace and identity in the local "scheme" or housing estate culture, which involves a mix of rebellion, humor, and survival skills. However, as Gemma grows up, she faces the harsh reality of poverty, addiction, and loss, and has to find a new purpose in life.

Motherhood is presented as a transformative experience for Gemma, who tries to break the cycle of dysfunction and give her daughter a better future. However, parenting in Motherwell is far from easy, as Gemma has to navigate the challenges of being a single mother, coping with mental health issues, and dealing with the risks of her environment. The film explores the themes of maternal love, sacrifice, and judgment, as Gemma tries to balance her own needs with her daughter's.

Scheme Birds also highlights the wider issues of social inequality, unemployment, and political apathy in Motherwell, as seen through the eyes of different generations and backgrounds. The film shows how the town's decline has affected the identity and aspirations of its people, and how they cope with the legacy of their past and the uncertainty of their future. The film ends with a sense of bittersweet optimism, as Gemma and her community try to overcome their challenges and dreams of a better life.

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