Scared Silent is a dramatic made-for-TV movie that first aired on NBC in 2002. Directed by Mike Robe, the film stars Penelope Ann Miller as Kathy Clifson, a small-town Minnesota woman who must confront the trauma of her past when a new police officer, John McCrane (played by Andrew Jackson), joins the local force. Kathy recognizes McCrane as the man who raped her as a teenager, and as she struggles to come to terms with her traumatic memories, she decides to speak out and accuse McCrane of his crimes.

However, the local police force, led by Chief Doug Clifson (played by Reed Diamond), refuses to believe Kathy's allegations and instead rallies around their new officer. Even as more women come forward with similar accusations against McCrane, the police force remains loyal to one of their own, leading Kathy to feel isolated and alone.

As the tension between Kathy and the police force mounts, the film explores themes of power dynamics, institutional corruption, and the lasting impact of sexual assault. With strong performances from its cast and a taut, suspenseful plot, Scared Silent is a compelling exploration of a difficult and timely topic.

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