Soon after arriving in the country, Sloane is forced to participate in equine therapy sessions as part of her punishment for her reckless behavior. At first, she resists the idea, resenting the fact that she has to spend her summer in a barn instead of on the beach with her friends.

But as she spends more time with the horses, Sloane begins to connect with them in a way she never expected. She forms a special bond with one horse in particular, a spirited mare named Beauty, who seems to understand her in a way that no human ever has.

As Sloane works with Beauty and learns from the experienced horse trainer who is leading the therapy sessions, she starts to see herself in a new light. She realizes that her reckless behavior was a way of acting out against her parents' expectations and the pressure of her privileged upbringing.

Through her experiences with the horses, Sloane learns valuable lessons about accountability, hard work, and the importance of genuine connections with other living beings. By the end of the summer, she has transformed from a spoiled city girl into a more mature and responsible young woman who is eager to continue her work with the horses.

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