The movie Saving Santa is an animated Christmas adventure film that follows the story of Bernard, a lowly stable elf, whose job is to take care of the reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh. One day, Bernard overhears the evil Neville Baddington, a former employee of Santa's workshop, and his army of trolls planning to invade the North Pole and steal the magical TimeGlobe, which powers Santa's sleigh. If Baddington succeeds in taking the TimeGlobe, he would be able to travel back in time and destroy Christmas forever.

But with the help of his friends, including a penguin named Shiny, Bernard sets out on a quest to stop Baddington and save Santa. To do this, he must use the TimeGlobe to travel back in time to two critical moments in history: the night when Santa's workshop was first established and Christmas Eve when Santa was trapped in a snowstorm and needed Bernard's help to deliver presents to children around the world.

As Bernard travels through time, he faces many challenges and overcomes them with his bravery, quick thinking, and the help of his friends. Together, they eventually defeat Baddington and save Christmas for everyone.

Saving Santa is a heartwarming Christmas story filled with action, humor, and a message of friendship and self-discovery that is suitable for the whole family. The movie features the voice talents of Martin Freeman as Bernard, Tim Curry as Neville Baddington, and Ashley Tisdale as Shiny the penguin.

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