Savannah Smiles is a 1982 comedy-drama film directed by Pierre De Moro, starring Mark Miller, Donovan Scott, Chris Robinson, and Bridgette Andersen in the titular role. The film follows a six-year-old girl named Savannah who is the daughter of a prominent politician. Savannah feels neglected and overlooked by her parents, who are more concerned with their public image than spending time with their daughter.

One day, Savannah runs away from home and ends up hiding in the car of two bumbling criminals named Alvie and Boots. Alvie and Boots had just robbed a gas station and were on the run from the police when they stumbled upon Savannah. Initially, the duo decides to hold Savannah for ransom, but over time they develop a bond with her and become surrogate parents.

As the police search intensifies for Savannah's kidnappers, Alvie and Boots begin to realize that they have gotten in over their heads and decide to return the girl to her family. Along the way, they encounter various mishaps and adventures, including a run-in with a motorcycle gang and a car chase with the police.

In the end, Alvie and Boots turn themselves in to the police and are taken into custody, but not before Savannah has a chance to say a touching goodbye to her newfound parents. The film ends with Savannah's parents, having realized the error of their ways, pledging to spend more time with their daughter and be better parents.

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