Saturday School is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film released in 2018. The film is directed by Anthony Solorzano and stars Sathya Sridharan, Anthony Gonzalez, and Sherri Shaum. The movie is about five high school students who get sent to Saturday School after their teacher's purse gets stolen. The film takes place over the course of a single day as the students discover more about each other and themselves.

The five students are a diverse group of individuals who don't know each other well. There's Alex, the popular cheerleader who seems to have it all but is struggling with family problems. There's Ben, the smart and ambitious student who is constantly under pressure to succeed. There's Darnell, the talented athlete who is dealing with the pressure of getting a college scholarship. There's Maya, the shy and insecure student who is struggling with her identity. And there's Tariq, the troublemaker who is always getting into trouble.

The students are forced to spend the day together to clean up the school and complete assignments that their teacher has left for them. Over the course of the day, the students open up to each other and reveal their insecurities and fears. They also discover that they have more in common than they originally thought.

The film deals with serious issues such as bullying, racism, and parental pressure to succeed. However, it is also a lighthearted and funny film that explores the complexities of teenage life. The performances by the cast are excellent, and the film is well-directed and written. Overall, Saturday School is a well-crafted film that will resonate with a wide audience.

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