Sanzaru is a psychological thriller film written and directed by Xia Magnus, released in 2020. The movie follows Evelyn, a Japanese-American home health aide who takes care of an elderly woman named Dotty. Dotty is slowly being consumed by dementia, and as Evelyn spends more time with her, she starts to experience strange phenomenons and begins to question her own sanity.

As she becomes more engrossed in Dotty's life, Evelyn stumbles upon a dark secret that is buried deep in the house's past. She discovers that Sanzaru, a monkey god from Japanese mythology, might have something to do with it.

The film has a slow-burning narrative style and is shot in muted tones, emphasizing the eerie mood and the tension that builds up throughout the movie. The cast is led by Aina Dumlao, who delivers a powerful performance as the protagonist, supported by talented actresses Jayne Taini and Kanno Suetake.

Sanzaru is a haunting film that deals with themes of loss, memory, and the inevitable consequences of our actions. It's an impressive debut feature from Xia Magnus, and an outstanding addition to the psychological thriller genre.

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