Samsara is a 2011 documentary film directed by Ron Fricke and produced by Mark Magidson. It was shot over a period of five years in 25 countries, and it explores themes such as nature, spirituality, and human existence. The film is a visual masterpiece, featuring stunning imagery captured in 70mm film, which offers an immersive experience to the viewers.

The movie starts with a view of a sand mandala being made by Tibetan Buddhist monks and then takes the audience on a journey through different locations, including ancient temples, modern cities, natural wonders, and industrial landscapes. The film showcases the diversity of life on the planet: from the serene landscapes of the Himalayas to the chaos of urban life; from the beauty of the natural world to the destruction wrought by humanity.

Samsara features an original score by Michael Stearns, Lisa Gerrard, and Marcello De Francisci, which complements the visuals and adds an emotional depth to the film. The movie is a meditation on the human experience and explores the interconnectedness between all living things on the planet. Through its stunning visuals and music, Samsara encourages viewers to reflect on their place in the world and think about the impact they have on the environment and on others.

Overall, Samsara is a visually stunning and intellectually stimulating film that offers a unique perspective on the human experience and the interconnectedness of all living things on the planet. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves beautiful imagery, music, and spirituality.

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