As the movie "Runs in the Family" unfolds, we learn about the complicated backstory of both Varun and River. Varun, once a skilled scammer, has left his deceitful life behind and is attempting to make amends for his past actions. On the other hand, River, a talented trans drag performer, is struggling to raise enough money for his much-desired top surgery.

River receives a distressing call from a rehab clinic in eSwatini, informing him that his long-lost mother is a patient there. Worried about missing the upcoming Her Majesty's Drag Competition, River convinces Varun to help him embark on a road trip across South Africa to rescue his mother and make it back in time for the competition.

As the two set off on their journey, they face challenges and unexpected obstacles along the way. Varun's former scams catch up with them, and they find themselves being pursued by relentless debt collectors. Additionally, they encounter a variety of eccentric characters who either help or hinder their mission.

Throughout the road trip, secrets from both Varun and River's pasts begin to resurface, straining their relationship. Varun discloses the real reason behind his decision to leave his scamming days behind, revealing a deep desire for redemption and a chance to rebuild a meaningful relationship with River. River, in turn, opens up about his struggles as a trans person and the emotional and physical obstacles he faces on a daily basis.

As they continue their journey, Varun and River bond amidst the challenges, supporting each other through their personal hardships. Ultimately, River's priorities shift from winning the drag competition to understanding and reconnecting with his mother. Varun, realizing the importance of family and redemption, puts all his efforts into assisting River in his quest.

Together, facing their own demons and the external challenges, Varun and River arrive at the rehab clinic, where they are confronted with a complex situation. River's mother, battling her own addiction, is hesitant to leave the facility, fearing a relapse. Through heartfelt conversations and a newfound understanding of each other's struggles, Varun and River manage to convince her to give them a chance. Promising to support her through her recovery, they set off on the journey back home, unsure of what the future holds.

As they arrive back just in time for the Her Majesty's Drag Competition, River realizes that his personal growth and the bond he shares with Varun are far more important than winning the prize money. Supported by Varun and encouraged by their shared experiences, River gives a powerful performance that touches the audience's hearts and wins him admiration and respect.

In the end, "Runs in the Family" is not just a story about rescuing a long-lost mother or competing in a drag competition. It explores the complexities of family dynamics, personal journeys of redemption, and the power of unconditional love and acceptance. Varun and River's road trip becomes a transformative experience that leads them to discover truths about themselves and each other, forever altering the course of their lives.

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