Running Naked

N/A  United Kingdom 

Running Naked is a British drama film directed by Victor Buhler and written by Michael Knowles. The movie follows the story of two childhood friends, Ben (Matthew McNulty) and Mark (Andrew Gower), who were both diagnosed with cancer at the same time during their teenage years. Despite all the odds, they both managed to beat cancer and resume their lives. Both grew up to be completely opposite; Ben became a successful businessman while Mark developed a drug addiction and ended up in prison.

The story begins with both Ben and Mark being reunited after almost a decade. Although initially awkward, they quickly rekindle their friendship when they decide to train for a charity run; Ben is a runner while Mark is a swimmer. During their training, they confide in each other about their struggles. Ben is facing challenges in his marriage, while Mark is struggling with addiction even after leaving prison.

As the movie progresses, the characters face new challenges and secrets are revealed that test their trust. The turning point in the story comes when Ben reveals that his wife is pregnant and has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. The news forces Mark to confront his feelings about his own past and help Ben face his fear of losing the person he loves. Through this journey, both men learn to accept and support each other's flaws and find healing in their own lives.

Running Naked is a heartwarming story about the power of friendship, second chances, and the resilience of the human spirit. The movie is rated 15+ and has a run time of 81 minutes.

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