The film follows the story of Nicholas Easter (played by John Cusack), a member of a jury in a high-profile case against a major gun manufacturer. Easter is not the only one with an agenda, however. He and his girlfriend Marlee (played by Rachel Weisz) are working together to manipulate the jury's decision in favor of the highest bidder.

As the trial unfolds, Easter and Marlee begin to play both sides of the case, collecting information from both the plaintiff and the defendant to gain the upper hand. Meanwhile, the gun manufacturer, led by a slick and ruthless lawyer named Rankin Fitch (played by Gene Hackman), is also pulling out all the stops to win the trial.

As the tension builds and the stakes become higher, Easter and Marlee's true motives are revealed, leading to a dramatic conclusion that leaves the audience guessing until the very end.

The film, based on the novel of the same name by John Grisham, also stars Dustin Hoffman as a lawyer for the plaintiff and Jeremy Piven as a member of the defendant's legal team. It explores themes of ethics, morality, and the corrupting influence of money in the legal system.

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