Rubber Movie Synopsis

The Tire's Deadly Obsession: A Love Story

Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Horror,Mystery  France,Angola 

Rubber is a black comedy-horror film directed by Quentin Dupieux. The movie revolves around a killer tire named Robert who possesses telekinetic powers and goes on a murderous rampage in the California desert. The film opens with a group of people gathering in the desert to watch a bizarre spectacle: a tire rolling across the landscape, occasionally stopping to vibrate and shake, exerting its will on the surrounding objects.

As the tire travels, it witnesses many bizarre and sometimes violent scenes, including a man lighting a pile of tires on fire, and a group of people having a picnic who are killed by Robert's deadly powers. The tire soon becomes attracted to a beautiful woman named Sheila, who is part of the group of onlookers. Robert begins to follow the woman, using his telepathic powers to manipulate objects and people in his path.

As the tire becomes closer to Sheila, the onlookers become increasingly panicked and desperate. The local sheriff attempts to stop the tire's reign of terror, but his efforts prove to be ineffective. Eventually, the tire finds Sheila's room and attempts to kill her as well, but the final confrontation proves to be even more bizarre and surreal than what came before. The film ends with a final twist that leaves the audience questioning what they have just witnessed.


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