Round Midnight is a 1986 drama film directed by Bertrand Tavernier. The film is a fictionalized account of the life of American jazz saxophonist, Bud Powell, and his friendship with a young French jazz fan named Francis Borler. The film stars Dexter Gordon as Dale Turner, a character based on Powell, and François Cluzet as Borler.

The film opens with Turner arriving in Paris, where he is booked to play at the Blue Note jazz club. Turner is a talented musician, but he is also an alcoholic and drug addict who suffers from mental health issues. Despite his health problems, Turner continues to perform and develop a friendship with Borler, who idolizes him.

As Turner's health deteriorates, he begins to rely more on Borler, who becomes his only true friend. With Borler's help, Turner records a new album, which is critically acclaimed. However, Turner's health continues to decline, and he eventually dies.

The film is a tribute to jazz music and the musicians who play it. It features performances by several well-known jazz musicians, including Gordon, Bobby Hutcherson, and Herbie Hancock. The film's soundtrack was also released as an album and received critical acclaim.

Round Midnight was nominated for several awards, including an Academy Award for Best Actor for Gordon's performance. The film is considered a classic of the jazz film genre and is highly regarded by both critics and audiences alike.

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