The animated film Room on the Broom follows the adventures of a friendly witch, who travels on her broom with her cat. Along the way, they meet different animals who ask if they can join them on their journey. The witch welcomes them all: a dog, a bird, and a frog, even though her cat grumbles and complains about the lack of space.

As the group embarks on their flight, they come across a ferocious dragon who wants to eat the witch. The animals work together to protect the witch from the fire-breathing creature. They use their unique skills and talents, such as tickling the dragon's nose and distracting it with a song, to save the day.

In gratitude for their help, the witch creates a new broom that can fit everyone. With their new mode of transportation, the group continues their travels together, forming a tight-knit group of friends who look out for one another and create wonderful memories.

The film features a star-studded voice cast, including Simon Pegg, Gillian Anderson, and Rob Brydon, who bring the story to life with their vibrant performances. Room on the Broom is a heartwarming tale about the power of friendship and the importance of working together to overcome obstacles.

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