In the aftermath of the nuclear war, the world has been divided into two superpowers - the Market and the Confederation. These two factions have agreed to settle territorial disputes through one-on-one battles between giant robots, with each robot piloted by a jockey.

The story of the film revolves around the battle for Alaska, which has been under the control of the Confederation since the end of the war. Achilles, the best jockey of the Market, is tasked with winning Alaska back for the Americans. However, the Confederation has also put forward their best jockey, Alexander, who is a highly skilled and ruthless opponent.

Despite being rivals, Achilles and Alexander have a mutual respect for each other's abilities. Their battle is not just about winning Alaska but also about proving their worth as jockeys. The fight between the two robots is intense and brutal, with both jockeys pushing their machines to their limits.

As the battle progresses, it becomes clear that there is more at stake than just territory. The political tensions between the two factions and the personal vendettas of the jockeys begin to come to the surface, threatening to escalate the conflict beyond just the battle for Alaska.

The film is a thrilling science-fiction action-adventure that explores themes of war, nationalism, and the human cost of conflict. The giant robots and the epic battles serve as a backdrop to a more profound story about what it means to be a hero and the true cost of victory.

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