The movie Robosapien: Rebooted is a family-friendly adventure film that tells the story of a young boy named Henry Keller, who befriends a robot named Cody. The film's protagonist is Allan Topher, an inventor who creates the robot for search and rescue purposes. However, Kinetech Labs, the company that funds Topher's project, decides to repurpose the robot for military use, much to Topher's dismay.

Rather than allow the robot to be used for war, Topher programs Cody to escape. The robot succeeds in getting away, but not before sustaining damage from its escape. It's at this point that Henry discovers Cody and decides to mend the robot.

As the two start to bond, Cody reveals that it has no memory of its past. Despite this, Henry's friendship with Cody grows stronger by the day. Meanwhile, Topher feels guilty about taking Cody away from Kinetech and tries to make amends by returning the robot to the company.

However, after meeting Henry's mother, Joanna, Topher begins to question whether he wants Cody to be used for military purposes. He decides to return Cody to Henry once again, but Kinetech has other plans. The company kidnaps Topher and Joanna, forcing Henry and Cody to go on a dangerous mission to save them.

Robosapien: Rebooted is a thrilling adventure that touches on themes such as friendship, loyalty, and the ethics of robotics. It features a talented cast of actors who bring their characters to life and a captivating story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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