Robin Robin is an upcoming stop-motion animated film produced by Aardman Animations, the same studio behind Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep. The film tells the story of a robin bird who was raised by a family of mice, who accepted her as one of their own. However, as she grows up and instinctually begins to practice her natural bird behaviors, she becomes increasingly curious about her true identity and where she truly belongs.

At a young age, the robin discovers her natural ability to fly, which is not a trait shared by her mouse family. Regardless of this, the mice do their best to make Robin feel loved and protected. However, as Robin observes the other birds in the forest, she begins to feel a sense of longing to join them. This prompts her to set off on a journey of self-discovery, as she aims to find out where she truly belongs.

Throughout her journey, Robin encounters various challenges and unexpected friendships. Along the way, she learns more about herself and the true meaning of family. Ultimately, the movie aims to deliver a heartwarming and inspiring message about acceptance, individuality, and belonging.

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