River Road is a gripping drama that follows the journey of a rock musician named Lucas and his girlfriend, Mallory, who is a free-spirited woman looking for an escape. The film starts with Lucas, who is struggling to cope with his career, and the pressures that come with being a successful musician. He meets Mallory, who is a breath of fresh air, and they both fall madly in love.

As they delve deeper into their relationship, they start experimenting with drugs and alcohol, which soon turns into a full-blown addiction. They become increasingly reckless, and their behavior becomes a cause for concern among their friends and family.

Things take a darker turn when Mallory's desperate need for money leads them down the path of crime. They start stealing, and soon they get involved in drug dealing. Their addiction and criminal activities start destroying their relationship, and they find themselves facing the harsh realities of their choices.

River Road is a raw and intense portrayal of the destructive power of addiction. The film masterfully captures the emotions of the characters and the desperation that drives them to the brink. It's a cautionary tale that shows the consequences of giving in to temptation and the importance of making the right choices in life.

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