
Drama  Japan 

The filmmaker in Ritual is named Jake, and he's been struggling to find inspiration for a new project. One day, while wandering through the city, he sees a young girl named Angelica sitting on a bench, repeating the phrase "Tomorrow is my birthday" over and over. Intrigued, he approaches her and tries to make conversation, but she ignores him.

Over the next few days, Jake keeps seeing Angelica and becomes more and more captivated by her strange behavior. He starts following her around with his camera, trying to capture moments of her repeating her ritual. Eventually, he tries to get closer to her by bringing her a birthday present and asking her about her life, but she remains evasive.

As Jake continues to document Angelica's daily routine, he starts to see patterns and connections that he hadn't noticed before. Meanwhile, he's also dealing with personal issues, including a failing relationship with his partner and a sense of alienation from the world around him.

The climactic scene of Ritual sees Jake finally confronting Angelica about her mysterious behavior, and what he learns casts new light on his own struggles. The film is a haunting exploration of loneliness, trauma, and the ways we use rituals to cope with our pain.

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