Rise and Shine, Benedict Stone is a heartwarming story about a jewellery store owner named Benedict Stone who is struggling to connect with his estranged wife Emilia. After ten years of marriage, the couple struggled with infertility and eventually, Emilia left Benedict, feeling unfulfilled and unhappy.

Benedict, feeling lost and alone, is given an opportunity to prove himself when his estranged sister, Olivia, arrives unexpectedly, asking for his help in caring for her teenage daughter, Gemma. Benedict finds himself struggling to connect with Gemma, who has a rebellious streak and challenges his traditional ways.

As Benedict tries to navigate his new role as a reluctant father figure, he also tries to win back Emilia's affection by using his talents as a jewellery maker. He begins crafting unique and meaningful pieces that represent their past, present, and future together.

Through his journey, Benedict learns to let go of his rigid ways and embrace the importance of family, forgiveness, and taking risks. The film ultimately shows that love can be found in unexpected places and that even after the rockiest of relationships, there is always hope for a happy ending.

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