Watch Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky Movie Online Streaming

Rampage in the Hellscape Prison.

Comedy,Action,Thriller,Horror  Hong Kong,Japan 

The movie is based on a Japanese manga series and is set in a future where prisons have become privatized and run for profit. The inmates are forced into fights to the death for the entertainment of rich and powerful viewers, and the prison officials and guards are corrupt and sadistic.

Ricky, the protagonist, is a martial arts expert who is wrongfully accused of murder and sent to this prison. He quickly learns that in order to survive, he must become more violent and ruthless than his fellow inmates. He forms a bond with an elderly inmate named Uncle Ma, who teaches him healing techniques and helps him strategize for his fights.

Ricky becomes a target of the notorious "gang of four," a group of violent and powerful prisoners who control the prison. They try to kill him multiple times, but he manages to thwart their plans and eventually takes them on in a bloody battle. Throughout the movie, Ricky undergoes various forms of torture, such as having his hands smashed with a hammer and being thrown into a pit of poisonous snakes.

The climax of the movie sees Ricky facing off against the corrupt governor of the prison, who is revealed to be the real murderer that Ricky was falsely accused of killing. The fight is brutal and gory, with both men taking immense amounts of damage, but Ricky ultimately emerges victorious.

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky is known for its extreme violence and over-the-top gore, with many scenes featuring exploding heads, dismemberment, and other graphic violence. The movie has become a cult classic among fans of extreme cinema.


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