"Right Here Right Now" is a documentary film that explores the historical significance and impact of Norman Cook's, also known as Fatboy Slim, second free open-air concert called The Big Beach Boutique II. The concert took place on July 13, 2002, at Brighton Beach, UK.

The film delves into the unexpected turn of events that unfolded during this iconic concert. While organisers and police were anticipating a crowd of forty thousand people, a staggering quarter of a million attendees flocked to Brighton Beach, overwhelming the authorities and surpassing all expectations. The documentary showcases the immense difficulties and struggles that the local police faced in managing such an unexpectedly large crowd, as well as the obstacles they had to overcome to maintain order and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

The film also explores the opposition faced by the event from councillors and residents who raised concerns about the controversial nature of the concert. This opposition created additional challenges, putting the organisers and authorities under even more pressure to handle the situation effectively.

Through interviews and firsthand accounts, "Right Here Right Now" offers a unique perspective on this historic moment. Norman Cook himself, along with other key figures who were on the front line of the event, share their insights, experiences, and memories of the concert. The film captures the excitement and intensity of the day, portraying it as a "Woodstock moment" in UK history.

Overall, "Right Here Right Now" is a compelling documentary that delves into the process, obstacles, and the significant impact that Norman Cook's second free open-air concert had on the UK events landscape. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of music and celebrates a historical moment that changed the way events were organized and perceived in the country.

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