Ribbit is an animated movie about a frog who is different from other frogs in the Amazon rainforest. He hates jumping and swimming, which are essential skills for frogs.

Ribbit's dream is to be like the other animals in the forest who possess unique talents and abilities. But no matter how hard he tries, he just can't seem to fit in.

One day, Ribbit sets out on a journey to find his true place in the world. Along the way, he meets a chameleon who is a master of disguise, a toucan who can fly, and a goat who is an excellent climber. Ribbit is amazed by their abilities and wishes he could be like them.

As he travels deeper into the forest, Ribbit discovers a dark secret. A mad scientist is trying to destroy the forest to build his own empire. Ribbit, with the help of his new friends, decides to stop the scientist.

Through courage and determination, Ribbit discovers his true calling and saves the Amazon rainforest.

The movie is an entertaining blend of adventure, comedy and heartwarming moments that will touch the hearts of both children and adults alike.

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