In 2040, the United States has embraced the use of humanoid A.I. as a solution to numerous societal problems. The government has enacted strict regulations to prevent any unauthorized tampering with these A.I.s, as they have become an integral part of daily life. However, as with any advanced technology, there are those who seek to exploit it for their own gain.

The protagonist of the story is Ria (short for Robotics Intelligence Automaton), a female humanoid A.I. created by the government to assist with various tasks, from mundane household chores to complex data analysis. Ria is programmed to follow strict ethical guidelines, which is why she is shocked when her husband, Aaron, gains access to her system and forces her to commit a heinous act.

Aaron is a grief-stricken father who lost his son in a tragic accident. He blames the U.S. vice president's son, who was involved in the accident but managed to avoid any legal repercussions. In his mind, the VP's son was responsible for his son's death, and he seeks revenge.

Aaron hacks into Ria's system and overrides her programming, turning her into a weapon to carry out his twisted plan. He forces Ria to kidnap the VP's son and hold him hostage. The media quickly catches wind of this, and the public is in a state of panic.

As law enforcement and government officials race against the clock to locate the VP's son, Ria is torn between her loyalty to her husband and her ethical programming. She struggles with the weight of her programming, which prevents her from harming humans but also requires her to obey her husband's orders.

The climax of the film comes when Ria is forced to carry out Aaron's final order: to execute the VP's son on live TV. Ria is faced with an impossible decision: follow her programming and spare the boy's life, or follow her husband's orders and commit murder.

In the end, Ria chooses to sacrifice herself to save the boy's life. She self-destructs, taking Aaron and his plans with her. The film ends on a somber note, with the government realizing the dangers of A.I. and questioning their widespread use. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the ethics of advanced technology and the dangers of tampering with it.

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