Revolution Rent is a documentary film directed by Cuban-American filmmaker, Andy Señor Jr. The film follows Señor Jr. as he returns to his parents' homeland of Cuba to stage a production of the hit Broadway musical, Rent. As a teenager, Señor Jr. starred in the original production of Rent and he now hopes to bring the show to Cuba, a country where the arts have been suppressed for many years.

Señor Jr. faces several obstacles as he attempts to stage Rent in Cuba. He must navigate the country's bureaucratic and political systems, as well as deal with the challenges of staging a large-scale musical without the resources and infrastructure of the American theater industry. However, his passion for the project and his desire to connect with his Cuban heritage keep him going.

As Señor Jr. spends time in Cuba, he discovers a thriving community of artists, musicians, and performers who have created their own unique artistic expressions in the face of adversity. He also learns more about his parents' experiences as Cuban exiles and begins to see the country in a new light.

Through interviews with the cast and crew of the Cuban production of Rent, as well as his own personal reflections, Señor Jr. explores themes of identity, art, family, and politics. Revolution Rent is a moving and inspiring tribute to the power of art to transcend borders and connect people from different cultures and backgrounds.

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