Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance is a 2015 action-adventure film directed by Gregory Hatanaka. The film follows a Los Angeles cop named Joe Marshall (played by Mathew Karedas) who comes out of hiding after his wife's death to seek revenge. With the help of his partner, Frank Washington (played by Mark Frazer), Joe sets out on a mission to bring down a powerful criminal organization that is responsible for his wife's murder and the death of several other police officers. Along the way, they team up with other unlikely allies, including a martial arts expert played by Bai Ling, and a retired police detective played by Tommy Wiseau. As they fight their way through various obstacles and enemies, Joe and his team uncover a sinister conspiracy that threatens to destroy the city, and they must use all their skills and courage to bring the criminals to justice. The movie also features cameos from several genre legends, including Mel Novak, Laurene Landon, and Kayden Kross. Despite mixed reviews, Samurai Cop 2 has gained a cult following among fans of B-movie action and martial arts films.

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