About Revenge of the Ninja

Revenge of the Ninja is a 1983 Indonesian action movie directed by Tjut Djalil. It stars Barry Prima, Advent Bangun, and Dana Christina. The movie follows the story of a magician named Sinto Gendeng who possesses a magic necklace that grants him incredible powers. However, a group of terrorists attack him and steal the necklace, not realizing that it's a fake. When they discover their mistake, they go after Sinto's family, seeking revenge.

Revenge of the Ninja is known for its over-the-top action sequences, which include explosions, shootouts, and brutal fights. The movie also features a lot of gore, with characters being impaled, decapitated, and shot. The special effects are cheap and cheesy, but they add to the movie's charm.

The dubbing in Revenge of the Ninja is notoriously bad, with the actors delivering their lines in a wooden and stilted manner. However, this adds to the movie's unintentional humor and makes it a cult classic among fans of Indonesian action cinema.

Overall, Revenge of the Ninja is a fun and entertaining movie that delivers plenty of thrills and spills. If you're a fan of low-budget action movies, then this is definitely one to watch.

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