The fourth installment in the Revenge of the Nerds franchise follows Lewis and his friends as they attend the wedding of their fellow nerd, Booger, to the daughter of a wealthy senator. The wedding is constantly under threat from the politician's family members who are staunchly anti-nerd and will do anything to put a stop to the union.

Meanwhile, Lewis is eagerly awaiting the birth of his unborn child, which was conceived through a science experiment gone wrong. As he prepares for fatherhood, he also becomes embroiled in the wedding drama and must band together with his fellow nerds to save the day.

The film features many of the same cast members from the previous movies, including Robert Carradine as Lewis, Curtis Armstrong as Booger, and Ted McGinley as the jock antagonist, Stan Gable. Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds In Love is a comedic take on the classic underdog story, showing that even the nerdiest of people can triumph over the bullies and bigots of the world.

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