"Retrograde" is a tense and dramatic war film that focuses on the final months of the 20-year war in Afghanistan. The movie follows a group of American Green Berets who are tasked with training Afghan officers to take over their country's security. The soldiers form close bonds with their Afghan counterparts, but tensions rise when the Taliban launches a major offensive and the Afghan military struggles to hold their ground.

As the situation in Afghanistan deteriorates, the Green Berets find themselves facing difficult choices about their mission and the future of the country. On one hand, they are committed to helping the Afghan military succeed and preventing the Taliban from taking over. On the other hand, they are increasingly aware that the war may be unwinnable and that they are fighting a losing battle.

As the situation spirals out of control, the soldiers are forced to confront their own biases and assumptions about the Afghan people and their culture. They also face conflict within their own ranks, as some soldiers begin to question the war and their mission.

Throughout "Retrograde," the filmmakers emphasize the human cost of the conflict, highlighting the experiences and emotions of the soldiers and their Afghan counterparts. The movie is a sobering reminder of the toll that war takes on all those involved, as well as the complex political and cultural factors that contribute to conflicts around the world.

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