Retreat to Paradise follows Ellie (played by Melanie Stone), a young woman who is struggling to keep her family's ranch running after her father's death. Things become even more challenging when she is tasked with caring for Jordan (played by Casey Elliott), a stubborn and irritable man who is recovering from a shoulder injury sustained while serving in the military.

At first, Ellie is resentful of Jordan's presence and his cantankerous attitude. She has her own problems to deal with and doesn't have the time or patience to deal with his constant complaining. However, as time passes and Jordan begins to open up to her, they start to form a bond.

Ellie learns that Jordan's injury has left him feeling helpless and useless, as he can't perform the same physical tasks he used to. She becomes his source of strength and encouragement, pushing him to work through the pain and learn to use his arm again. Jordan, in turn, begins to see Ellie for who she really is - a strong, capable woman who is doing her best to keep her family and her ranch afloat.

As they spend more time together, Ellie and Jordan start to realize that they have feelings for each other. However, they both struggle to express these feelings and are afraid to take things to the next level. Will they be able to overcome their fears and doubts and find happiness together? You'll have to watch Retreat to Paradise to find out.

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