Resolution is a 2012 indie horror film directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. The film follows Michael (Peter Cilella), who receives a mysterious video from his best friend Chris (Vinny Curran), who has been missing for months and is now living in a desolate house in the woods. Michael travels to the house to stage an intervention for Chris, who is struggling with a severe drug addiction.

As Michael tries to get Chris clean and sober, strange things begin to happen. The two friends start to notice bizarre occurrences in and around the house, including strange symbols and messages that seem to be addressed to them. Michael is determined to stick it out and help his friend, but as the days go by, it becomes clear that something dark and malevolent is at work.

As Michael and Chris begin to unravel the mysterious events happening around them, they must confront the demons of their past and the consequences of the actions that led them down the path of addiction. The film is a gripping psychological thriller that explores themes of friendship, addiction, and redemption.

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