The movie Replicant follows the story of a detective named Jake Riley, played by Jean-Claude Van Damme, who is on the hunt for a serial killer known as "The Torch." The killer has already murdered a number of women and seems to be getting more violent with each crime.

In order to help catch The Torch, a team of scientists led by Dr. Peter Gregor, played by Michael Rooker, create a genetic clone of the killer. The clone, named "Replicant," is played by Van Damme in a dual role.

Riley is initially skeptical of the Replicant, but the two eventually team up to track down The Torch. Along the way, they encounter a number of obstacles, including corrupt cops and The Torch's own twisted methods.

As the unlikely duo gets closer and closer to The Torch, Replicant begins to exhibit disturbing behavior that suggests he may not be as controllable as the scientists had hoped. Ultimately, Riley and Replicant face off against The Torch in a tense and action-packed climax.

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