ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke is a documentary film that explores the life and death of the iconic American soul singer, Sam Cooke. The film delves into the mysterious shooting of Cooke in 1964, which still remains a topic of discussion and conspiracy theories to this day. Cooke's death silenced one of the most vital voices in the civil rights movement, and the film aims to shed light on the events leading up to his death and the possible motives that led to his murder.

The film features interviews with Cooke's family members, friends, and colleagues, as well as with activists and scholars who offer their insights on Cooke's legacy. It also delves into the broader issues of racism, inequality, and police brutality that continue to plague American society, and the crucial role that musicians like Cooke played in the struggle for civil rights.

Overall, ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke is a poignant and powerful documentary that explores the life of one of America's most important musicians and the circumstances surrounding his tragic death. It forces viewers to confront the difficult issues of racial injustice and violence that still haunt our society today.

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