
Horror  Japan 

The Japanese actress, named Nagisa Sugiura, secures the lead role in a horror film titled "The Curse of Asuka," which is based on a real-life mass murder that happened decades ago at a hotel located in rural Japan. As production begins, Nagisa starts to experience strange and terrifying visions, which gradually become more intense and frequent. She sees herself as a young girl, playing with toys and on occasion, "Sees" a woman being brutally murdered.

As rehearsals progress, Nagisa starts to become convinced that her visions are actually memories from a previous life when she was the murdered woman. She sets out to investigate the truth behind her visions and the events leading up to the murder spree.

Nagisa eventually discovers that the hotel where her character is staying in the film is the same hotel where the murders happened. She uncovers a series of disturbing facts about the events that occurred, including that the murderer had connections to the hotel's management, and the hotel's owners had covered up the crime.

As reality begins to blur with her visions and delusions, Nagisa's colleagues, Director Ikuo Matsumara and Producer Harumi Hori start to notice that Nagisa is behaving erratically. They go looking for her at the hotel, and in a shocking twist, they come across evidence that suggests Nagisa may be the reincarnation of the murdered woman.

The film culminates in a spine-chilling showdown, as Nagisa comes face to face with the killer's own spirit, and the line between reality and her visions is shattered. Ultimately, Nagisa chooses to end the cycle of horror by taking matters into her own hands, in this horror-thriller, which explores the themes of reincarnation, the supernatural, and the human psyche.

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