
Drama  Netherlands 

Regret! is a coming-of-age drama film directed by Dave Schram and released in 2013. The film follows the story of David (played by Robin Lefever), a high school student who witnesses his classmate Jochem (played by Stefan Collier) being bullied by three classmates. David feels guilty for not standing up for Jochem or telling anyone about the bullying.

As the school year progresses, the bullying intensifies and David starts to notice how badly Jochem is affected by it. Jochem becomes increasingly isolated and depressed, and David starts to feel more and more guilty for not stepping in.

Meanwhile, David's own personal life is in turmoil. He is dealing with a difficult home life and struggling to keep up with his schoolwork. He starts to act out and get into trouble, which only adds to his feelings of guilt.

Eventually, the bullying of Jochem reaches a tragic climax, and David is forced to confront his own complicity in the situation. He realizes that he was wrong to stay silent and that he should have tried to help Jochem. The film ends with David reflecting on his actions and trying to make amends for what he has done.

Regret! is a powerful film that tackles important themes such as bullying, guilt, and the importance of standing up for what is right. It is a thought-provoking and emotional journey that will leave viewers thinking long after the credits roll.

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