Re-Elected is a horror-comedy film that revolves around a group of teenagers, led by siblings Nate and Angela Harmon, who find themselves fighting for survival against a horde of zombie American Presidents on Independence Day. As they battle the undead commanders-in-chief, the group also faces the challenge of overcoming their personal issues and differences.

Along the way, Nate and Angela must confront their own sibling rivalry and the tension caused by their parents' recent divorce. As they navigate their complicated relationship, they also work to protect their friends, including their crushes and a conspiracy theorist who believes the zombie outbreak is part of a larger government conspiracy.

As the night progresses, the group discovers that the zombie Presidents are not the only threat in the woods. A mysterious figure, known only as "The Woodsman," appears and begins stalking them, adding another layer of fear and tension to their already perilous situation.

Re-Elected is a comedic, yet spooky, take on the traditional zombie apocalypse genre, with political satire and teenage drama adding to the excitement and humor.

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