Red State is a 2011 horror-thriller film directed by Kevin Smith and starring Michael Parks, John Goodman, and Melissa Leo. The film revolves around a group of teens from Middle America who receive an invitation for sex online, but soon discover that they have been lured into a trap by a group of Christian fundamentalists.

The film starts with three high school boys - Travis (Michael Angarano), Jarod (Kyle Gallner), and Billy-Ray (Nicholas Braun) - who answer an online ad for a sexual encounter with an older woman. The invitation leads them to a remote trailer park, where they are drugged and held captive by the fundamentalist group led by Abin Cooper (Michael Parks).

Abin Cooper and his followers are part of a radical fundamentalist group called the Five Points Trinity Church, who believe in extreme religious beliefs and take their interpretation of the Bible to violent extremes. The church members view homosexuality as a sin punishable by death and have decided to carry out their own brand of punishment on those they believe are sinners.

Meanwhile, local authorities are aware of the church's activities and have been planning a raid on their compound. ATF agent Joseph Keenan (John Goodman) and Sheriff Wynan (Stephen Root) are part of the team that surrounds the compound in a tense standoff, with the church members holed up inside and the three boys used as bargaining chips.

The film takes a violent turn, with characters on both sides of the standoff meeting gruesome ends. In the end, it is revealed that the government was behind the setup of the boys and the church members, which ends in a deadly final confrontation.

Red State received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its intense and disturbing nature, while others criticized its uneven tone and lack of character development. However, the film remains a cult classic and is considered one of Kevin Smith's most ambitious and unconventional projects.

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