The movie Red Lights is a psychological thriller that centers around two investigators of paranormal hoaxes, Dr. Margaret Matheson (played by Sigourney Weaver) and her assistant Tom Buckley (played by Cillian Murphy). They specialize in debunking psychics, mediums, and other supernatural phenomena. They use science and logic to reveal the tricks and illusions of fraudulent psychics.

When a legendary blind psychic named Simon Silver (played by Robert De Niro) reappears after a 30-year absence, Tom becomes obsessed with proving him to be a fraud. Silver's incredible abilities seem to defy explanation, and he quickly becomes a sensation, drawing huge crowds to his performances.

As Tom and Margaret investigate Silver, they begin to experience strange events that challenge their beliefs and shake their confidence. Tom becomes increasingly fixated on Silver and his mysterious powers, facing danger and risking everything to uncover the truth behind the psychic's abilities. Along the way, he must confront the demons of his own past and face the possibility that reality may not be as clear-cut as he once believed.

Red Lights is a tense, gripping thriller that explores the complex world of paranormal phenomena and the human psyche. It features strong performances from its cast, particularly De Niro as the enigmatic and unpredictable Silver. With surprising twists and turns, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seat, building to a shocking finale that will leave viewers questioning everything they thought they knew about the paranormal.

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