Red Handed is a mystery thriller film directed by Frank Peluso and starring Michael Biehn, Ryan Carnes, and Kenzie Dalton. The story revolves around three brothers, Horace (Biehn), Dave (Carnes), and Steve (Kris McQuade), who gather at an Oregon mountain river to spread the ashes of their recently deceased father. However, their peaceful getaway is disrupted when one of their children, Michael, goes missing.

As they start looking for Michael, they begin to uncover dark secrets about their past. Horace, who was abducted 30 years ago when they last visited the river, has blocked out the incident from his memory. But as he begins to confront his fears, he slowly unlocks the mysteries hidden in his subconscious, leading them closer to finding the missing child.

The film's tension builds gradually as the brothers unravel the truth about their family's history and Horace's traumatic experience. The stunning mountain scenery and atmospheric soundtrack add to the film's eerie vibe. The ending is a twist that is both shocking and satisfying.

Red Handed is a gripping thriller that explores the effects of trauma and the power of memory. It is a must-watch for fans of mystery and suspense.

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