Real Talk follows the story of Emily, a young woman who was sexually harassed by a famous music producer named David. Emily has been struggling to overcome the trauma caused by the incident, and decides to confront David on a daytime talk show in front of a live audience.

However, things take an unexpected turn when David shows up armed with the "perfect apology." He claims that he was going through a difficult time in his life when the incident happened, and that he deeply regrets his actions. David's apology leaves Emily and the audience unsure of what to do and whether to forgive him.

As the story unfolds, Emily grapples with her emotions and tries to come to terms with what happened to her. She is torn between her desire for justice and her need to move on with her life. Along the way, she meets other women who have been through similar experiences, and together they begin to heal and fight back against sexual harassment.

Real Talk is a powerful and poignant film that explores the sensitive topic of sexual harassment with compassion and honesty. It sheds light on the devastating effects of such behavior and offers a message of hope and empowerment to all those who have been victimized.

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