
Drama  United States of America 

The movie Raven follows the story of a young woman named Raven, who has been in an abusive relationship with her husband, Chris, for years. When she meets a new man, Devon, she sees the possibility of a better future for herself and their two children. However, when Raven discovers she is pregnant with Devon's child, she is faced with a difficult decision.

Despite her hope for a new life, Raven still has strong feelings for her husband and worries about the impact that leaving him will have on their children. She also fears that Devon may not be ready for the responsibility of raising a child, and questions whether he is truly the right choice for her and her family.

As Raven navigates these conflicting emotions, the film explores the complex dynamics of abusive relationships and the challenges facing survivors who must balance their own needs and desires with the safety and wellbeing of their loved ones. Ultimately, Raven must decide whether to take a chance on a new, uncertain future or stay with the familiar, even if it means continuing to endure abuse.

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