Raptor Ranch is a sci-fi action movie set in a small town in Texas. The story follows a group of young people, including a tough-talking cowboy named Trace (played by Lorenzo Lamas) and a sassy waitress named Savannah (played by Alexandra Nicole Hulme). They find themselves trapped in a town overrun by prehistoric creatures that have been resurrected by a mad scientist named Dr. Hyde (played by Eric Roberts).

Dr. Hyde has been conducting experiments to bring dinosaurs back to life and has created a ranch where he breeds and trains them. But when the dinosaurs escape and start attacking the town, it's up to Trace, Savannah, and their friends to fight back. Armed only with their wits and a few guns, they take on the deadly creatures in a battle for survival.

As the group fights their way through the town, they must also deal with other dangers, including corrupt cops and greedy businessmen. Along the way, they uncover Dr. Hyde's sinister plan to use the dinosaurs for military purposes and must confront him in a final showdown.

Raptor Ranch is a fun and action-packed movie that combines elements of sci-fi, horror, and westerns. Its campy humor and over-the-top action make it a must-see for fans of B-movies and creature features.

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